Struct LoggerData

Struct Documentation

struct LoggerData

Structure to contain logger configuration data.

Public Members

std::string log_format

The format to use for the log file.

std::string multi_log_dir

The directory to store timestamped log files.

std::string reports_dir

The directory to store report files in.

std::string raw_data_images_dir

The directory to store raw images used within the reports viewer.

std::string raw_data_dir

The directory to store raw data files used within the reports viewer.

bool clear_log_first

Whether or not to clear the log file before writing.

bool enable_multi_log

Whether or not to enable logging to multiple formats/files at a time.

bool use_reports

Whether or not to use Reports.

bool stylized_html_logs

Determines whether to use stylized Blamite HTML logs or Halo 2 Sapien (unstyled) HTML logs.

std::string multi_log_path

Internal variable to store full path to current log file, WITHOUT extension.

bool log_ready = false

Whether or not logger is ready to start writing to file(s)