Struct HaloConsole

Struct Documentation

struct HaloConsole

This is the legacy ImGUI-based console implementation.

It is only remaining in the codebase as a reference until all features are migrated to the new console. Once all features have been moved over, this and anything referencing it will be removed from the codebase.


This file should not be used as a guide on how to structure or format your code. Much of the code here is ugly, messy, overly complex and just generally difficult to read.

Public Functions

void AlignTextToBottomHack()
void ClearLog()
void AddLog(const char *fmt, ...)
void Draw(const char *title, bool *p_open)
void ExecCommand(const char *command_line)
int TextEditCallback(ImGuiTextEditCallbackData *data)

Public Members

char InputBuf[256]
ImVector<char *> Items
bool ScrollToBottom
ImVector<char *> History
int HistoryPos
ImVector<const char *> Commands
ImVector<const char *> csc_cmds_char
vector<string> csc_cmds = BlamScript::get_csc_data()
vector<BlamScript::cmd_script_object> hsc_cmds = BlamScript::get_hsc_data()
vector<string> hsc_cmd_names

Public Static Functions

static int Stricmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)
static int Strnicmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, int n)
static char *Strdup(const char *str)
static int TextEditCallbackStub(ImGuiTextEditCallbackData *data)