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Shared/Common Stylesheet Reference#

Here, you can find the stylesheet selectors for UI that is found across all editing tools. These styles are used in tools and widgets that are reused across the entire editing kit.

Settings Window#

Output Window Preview

The Settings Window can be selected using #shared_settings, and is a QDialog.

Several widgets must be manually styled on a per-theme basis and lack any default styles.

Title Selector Description Type
Settings List Container #frame_settings_container The frame around the list of available settings within the current configuration file or section. QFrame
Current Setting Info Container #current_setting_info_frame The frame around the information text for the currently active setting. QFrame
Current Setting Title Label #lbl_current_title The title of the currently selected setting. QLabel

Several other widgets do have default styles, but can still be manually selected for and overridden as desired.

Title Selector Description Type
Section Tree #treeWidget The tree widget used to select a configuration file and/or section. QTreeWidget
Current Setting Description Label #lbl_current_desc The description of the currently selected setting. This text may or may not be visible depending on which setting is selected. QLabel

Output Tool Window#

Output Window Preview

The Output Window can be selected using #guerilla_console_output, and is a QDockWidget. To select the output text field, you can select it with #output_text.