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Guerilla Stylesheet Reference#

Here, you can find the stylesheet selectors for the various UI that is found primarily in Guerilla. Note that some of these may also be used in other tools - for instance, both Sapien and Foundry are capable of providing a tag editor UI - and as such, will use the same controls and thus the same stylesheet selectors as below.

Tag Editor Frame#

The frame of any tag editing UI can be selected with #tag_editor_frame, and is a QFrame.

Tag Fields#

Tag Blocks#

Tag Block Preview

The primary selector for a tag block is #ui_tag_block. Below are the child controls of a tag block that can be selected for and styled.

Title Selector Description Type
Expand/Collapse Button #btn_expand_collapse The expand/collapse button in the tag header. QPushButton
Expand/Collapse Button Frame #btn_expand_collapse_frame A frame around the Expand/Collapse button. Used to add a second border around the button in the Classic theme. QFrame
Block Header Panel #block_header_bg The top header panel of the block, containing various block controls. QFrame
Block Left Border #block_edge_bg The left border edge of the tag block. QFrame
Block Title #lbl_block_title The block title label. QLabel
Entry List ComboBox #cbox_entries The ComboBox containing the list of block entries. QComboBox
Add Button #btn_add The 'Add' button. QPushButton
Insert Button #btn_insert The 'Insert' button. QPushButton
Duplicate Button #btn_duplicate The 'Duplicate' button. QPushButton
Delete Button #btn_delete The 'Delete' button. QPushButton
Delete All Button #btn_delete_all The 'Delete All' button. QPushButton
Field List Container #block_fields_frame The container that contains all block fields. QFrame


Comment Preview

The primary selector for a comment field is #ui_comment_field. Below are the child controls of a comment that can be selected for and styled.

Title Selector Description Type
Comment Frame #comment_frame The frame and container around the comment. QFrame
Comment Title #lbl_title The title of the comment. QLabel
Comment Description #lbl_explanation The description of the comment. Not always present. QLabel

In some cases, comments will be given a unique appearance based on a special 'type' field. The possible types, their common use case, and selectors are found below. The selectors listed should be used instead of the normal #ui_comment_field selector.

Type Selector Description
Normal/None The default comment style. #ui_comment_field
Info An informative message. #ui_comment_field_info
Warning A warning message. #ui_comment_field_warning
Error An error message. #ui_comment_field_error


Bitfield Preview

Bitfield fields can be selected using #bitfield_field_{id}, replacing {id} with the ID of the field.

The container of the bitfield flags a QFrame, which can be selected using #bitfield_frame.

Each bitfield bit is a QCheckBox widget. If you need or wish to select for an exact bit/flag ID, you can do so with #bitfield_bit_{id}, replacing {id} with the ID of the bit.


Enum Preview

Enum fields can selected by using #enum_field_{id}, replacing {id} with the ID of the field. The field value is represented using a QComboBox as a child control.


Ascii Preview

Ascii fields can selected by using #ascii_field_{id}, replacing {id} with the ID of the field. The field value is represented using a QLineEdit as a child control.

Integers (int8, int16, int32)#

Integer Preview

Integer fields can selected by using #int_field_{id}, replacing {id} with the ID of the field. The field value is represented using a QLineEdit as a child control.

Floats (float32)#

Integer Preview

Float fields can selected by using #float_field_{id}, replacing {id} with the ID of the field. The field value is represented using a QLineEdit as a child control.

Data References (dataref)#

Dataref fields can be selected by using #dataref_field_{id}, replacing {id} with the ID of the field. Below are the child controls of a dataref that can be selected for and styled.

Title Selector Description Type
Data Input Field #tb_data The large input field, used to view and modify the a dataref's data. QPlainTextEdit
"View As" Label #lbl_view_as The "View As" label. QLabel
"View As" Dropdown #cbox_view_as The "View As" dropdown button. QComboBox
Data Size Label #lbl_size The "Size" label. QLabel
Data Size Input Field #tb_size The "Size" input field, used to modify a dataref's data size. QLineEdit

Tag References (tagref)#

Dataref fields can be selected by using #tagref_field_{id}, replacing {id} with the ID of the field.

Below are the child controls of a tagref that can be selected for and styled. Fields are grouped into two tables for both the classic and modern tagref appearances.

Modern Tagref Properties (Default)#

Title Selector Description Type
Wrapper Frame #frame_modern Container frame surrounding the field. This is invisible by default and used for layout purposes. QFrame
Tag Class Dropdown #cbox_m_tag_class Dropdown button allowing the user to select the class of the desired tag. QComboBox
Tag Dropdown #cbox_m_tag_dropdown Dropdown button allowing the user to select a tag, filtered based on the selected tag class. QComboBox
Browse Button #btn_m_browse Button that allows the user to browse the filesystem for a tag. QPushButton
Open Button #btn_m_open Button that allows the user to quickly open the referenced tag for editing. QPushButton
Import Button #btn_m_import Button that allows the user to quickly import an asset as a tag. QPushButton
Search Button #btn_m_search Button that allows the user to search the current project for a tag. QPushButton
Clear Button #btn_m_clear Button that allows the user to clear/null the current tagref value. QPushButton

Classic Tagref Properties#

Title Selector Description Type
Wrapper Frame #frame_classic Container frame surrounding the field. This is invisible by default and used for layout purposes. QFrame
Tag Input Field #tb_c_tag_path Text field allowing the user to view and/or manually type out the path to the desired tag. QLineEdit
Browse Button #btn_c_browse Button that allows the user to browse the filesystem for a tag. QPushButton
Open Button #btn_c_open Button that allows the user to quickly open the referenced tag for editing. QPushButton
Import Button #btn_c_import Button that allows the user to quickly import an asset as a tag. QPushButton
Clear Button #btn_c_clear Button that allows the user to clear/null the current tagref value. QPushButton