Class DWText

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class DWText : public BlamRendering::RenderStack::StackObjectBase

Class containing data for a text object using DirectWrite.

Public Functions


Sets the stack type and default zone color.


Empty destructor.

void Draw()

Draws the stack object.

Specific functionality may vary depending on the type of object.

void ShowImPropertyEditor()

Shows a set of ImGUI properties associated with the object.

This will call functions to draw only the property controls for the item, and nothing else. The window/container for the properties must be handled externally.

void SetText(std::string new_text)

Sets the text to display.

  • new_text: - The new text to display.

void SetFont(std::string new_font_name)

Sets the font to use for the text.

  • new_font_name: - The name of the font to use.

void ShowZoneEdge(bool show)

Enables or disables the display of the text area bounds.

  • show: - Whether or not to display the zone edge.

void SetZoneColor(float new_color[3])

Sets the color to use for the zone edge.

  • new_color: - The new color of the zone edge. Items must be in the following order:

void SetZoneColor(float r, float g, float b)

Sets the color to use for the zone edge.

  • r: - The Red value of the color.

  • g: - The Green value of the color.

  • b: - The Blue value of the color.

void SetZoneColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)

Sets the color to use for the zone edge.

  • r: - The Red value of the color.

  • g: - The Green value of the color.

  • b: - The Blue value of the color.

  • a: - The Alpha value of the color.

void SetZoneColor(D2D1::ColorF color)

Sets the color to use for the zone edge.

  • color: - The new color of the zone edge.

void SetFontSize(float new_size)

Sets the size to use for the font.

  • new_size: - The new size of the font.

void SetZoneThickness(float new_thickness)

Sets the thickness of the zone edge.

  • new_thickness: - The new thickness of the zone edge.

Public Members

std::wstring BlamRendering::RenderStack::DWText::text = L"generic text"

The current text to display.

std::wstring BlamRendering::RenderStack::DWText::font_name = L"Comic Sans MS"

The current font name. Defaults to Comic Sans MS. :lmao:

float font_size = 12

The size of the text.

bool show_zone = false

Whether or not to show the text zone.

D2D1_COLOR_F zone_color

The color to use for the zone border.

float zone_thickness = 1

The thickness of the zone border.

bool use_engine_font = false

Whether to use a font within the engine or a system font.

std::string engine_font_id = ""

The ID of the font collection to use.

IDWriteFontCollection *font_collection

The thickness of the zone border.

char text_buffer[1024] = ""

Text buffer for ImGUI editor.

char font_buffer[256] = ""

Font name buffer for ImGUI editor.

bool auto_calculate_area = false

Whether or not to automatically calculate the area for the text.