Font Package (.bin)#
Current font package version:
Below, you can find information on the format for font package files. The format is based loosely on the format used by Halo 2, with various changes made to suit our needs better.
Remember: Any sizes that begin with
indicate a hexadecimal (base 16) length. Ex:0x10
is equal to decimal16
File Header#
Address range:
0x0 -> 0x3FF
0x0 -> 0x3
- File header start, will always contain the textBFNT
, used to confirm that a proper font file is being loaded0x26 -> 0x27
- Font package version, updated when font packages are upgraded to a newer format to aid in backwards compatibility0x11C -> 0x13B
- Earliest engine version to support this font package version0x170 -> 0x173
- Length of bytes for TrueType file0x174 -> 0x177
- Offset of TrueType file0x178 -> 0x17E
- Reserved for future use0x17F -> 0x19F
- Font ID0x1A0
- Whether or not the font is a TrueType file0x1A1
- Whether or not the font is monospaced0x1A2
- Font size0x1A4
- Monospaced font width0x1A6
- Character spacing0x1A8
- Width of space character0x1AA -> 0x1CA
- Display name of TrueType font
Remaining space is unused and is left blank for any future format changes.
Character List (Bitmap Only)#
Address range:
0x400 -> 0x403ff
Lists each character supported by the font package. Each character has 4 bytes to account for any extra space for unicode or multi-byte characters. The order of the characters act as the index in the index table.
Index Table (Bitmap Only)#
Address Start:
Address End:<amt. of characters> * 0x10
Each character contains the following properties (offsets are relative to the start of the index):
* 0x00
- Glyph width
* 0x02
- Glyph height
* 0x04 -> 0x08
- Length of image data
* 0x09
- Image Format
* 00
* ..
- Other formats will be added here as they are supported in-engine
* 0x0A -> 0x0B
- Reserved
* 0x0C -> 0x0F
- Offset to character bitmap data
Bitmap Data (Bitmap Only)#
Address Start:
<end of index table>
Address End:<end of file>
This section contains the raw image data. The formats will differ based on glyph image format. These are entirely unchanged from their original file formats.
TTF Font File (TrueType Only)#
Address Start:
Address End:<end of file>
This section contains the raw data of the TrueType file, unaltered.