The game engine has various configuration settings available that tweak how the engine functions. Many of these are unimplemented and will be introduced at a later date.
Fonts should be placed in /maps/fonts. If sys_font_force_extension is set to true, the file extension must be set to .bin extension, and this config option should be the font name without the extension. Ex: if the font file is "font-package-en.bin", then this value should be "font-package-en".
Whether or not to force a .bin file extension for fonts
Whether or not to keep some space between console output (equal to 1 line) or not. (original games did not have extra spacing)
true or false
Whether or not to use enhanced boolean command handling
true or false
Whether or not to use more informative messages for setting script gvars from console. When disabled, messages will display as they did in the official Bungie games.
Whether or not use an alternative display mode for missing globals in the debug menu. Defaults to false which uses the classic display style seen in Halo 2
true or false
If disabled, the engine will not generate the default debug_menu_init.xml file if it isn't found. As such, it will attempt to load debug_menu_init.txt but this will almost certainly fail.
Many of these settings may not get implemented for reasons that will soon seem obvious. Many of these were conceptualized by a young boy who had little knowledge at the time of how any of this shit works. They describe ambiguous and random features that, in some cases, flat out don't make any sense. They remain here as a reference only in the event that some of these get implemented in the future - just to satisfy that young boy's visions and make them into reality (or something like that).
fpsMax - Controls the maximum framerate that the engine can run at
Valid values: Any number between 1 and 60
Default: 60
bink-enabled - Whether or not intro videos will play upon starting the game
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
useSwitches - Whether or not to respect command-line switches, such as -console or -devmode
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
useMulti - Whether or not to ignore levels whose scenario path starts with /levels/multi
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
useMulti - Whether or not to ignore levels whose scenario path starts with /levels/solo
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
useLegacyFileStructure - Whether or not to use the traditional Bungie-style file structure /maps, /bink, etc.
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
useDedicated - Whether or not to use Dedicated servers in favor of Peer-to-Peer networking.
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
dedicatedHost - The default host IP for dedicated servers
Valid values: any valid DNS hostname or IP address
dedicatedFallback - A fallback host in the event that the primary dedicated host is offline or unreachable
Valid values: any valid DNS hostname or IP address
dedicatedFallback2 - A secondary fallback host in the event that the primary dedicated host and fallback server are both offline or unreachable
Valid values: any valid DNS hostname or IP address
ui - The type of UI to use upon starting the game
Valid values: default, classic, halo3, imgui
Default: default
mp3Enabled - Whether or not to support MP3-format sound
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
checkSignatures - Whether or not to check cache file signatures
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
enableElaztekExtended - Whether or not to enable the Elaztek Extended Framework
Valid values: true or false
Default: true
launchMode - The release mode to launch the engine in