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Blamite's Toolset

The Blamite Game Engine will contain two primary toolsets: * The Public Toolset - Any tools that will be made available freely to the community in order to aid in modding, content creation, and all the crazy stuff we can't even dream of right now. * The Internal Toolset - All tools in the public toolset, plus some additional ones for compiling, signing official content, testing tools, debugging tools, and so on. Additionally, the tools found in the public toolset may contain extended features that aren't visible in the public ones. * Blamite Toybox TBA - A compilation of recoded/modified tools that were formerly used for modding of official games (with the exception of Assembly, which is a primary tool). Examples include Forge (not to be confused with the gamemode), Adjutant, and others.

Public Toolset

  • Sapien - Used for object editing on a map. These changes are written to the level's .scenario tag by default, but can also be exported to a, which can be loaded in Forge.
  • Guerilla - Used to edit tag data before compiling a level. Changes are written to the appropriate tag file.
  • Tool - Used to compile a level's tags and package it into a .map for use.
  • Assembly - Operates similarly to Guerilla in that it can edit tags, but this also supports the manipulation of tags in compiled levels. This is typically not recommended for shipping maps, but can be useful for quickly making changes and testing without the need to recompile the entire level.
  • Foundation Mod Manager - While not exactly a development tool, FMM is another program that ships with any mod-enabled build of Blamite. It allows for downloading and installation of mods from any configurable source. It is made to be easy to use and cause minimal headache for users.

Internal Toolset

  • Sapien - No changes from public shipped build as of this time.
  • Guerilla - No changes from public shipped build as of this time.
  • Tool - Contains additional commands to apply signatures to levels. Used exclusively for checking whether or not a level has been modified to avoid cheating in Fragban Servers.
  • ContentPackager - A GUI application that utilizes Tool to apply signatures to levels, as well as exports an entire set of content into a .ISO for burning to a CD. Additionally, a 'Tools' ISO can be optionally built separately which is used to install the public development tools. Please note that the internal tools CANNOT be built into an ISO.
  • cfg_editor_standalone - A standalone config editor application that can be distributed with any software that may need to utilize it.
  • hek_ui_demo - Testing for the Map Editor Launcher interface.
  • hek_ui_demo_cpp - Testing for the Map Editor Launcher interface, using C++.
  • mapedit - A testing tool used to read/write map content from Bungie/343i and Blamite .map files.

Blamite Toybox

  • TBA