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Command-Line Arguments and Switches#

This page contains a list of command-line switches used by official Halo titles. Some of these may or may not be implemented within Blamite over time.

For switches that are implemented within Blamite, see this page.

Halo PC - Switches pulled from Halo PC#

Argument/Switch Flags Description
-nosound Disable all sound
-novideo Disable video playback
-nojoystick Disable joysticks / gamepads
-nogamma Disable adjustment of gamma
-useff Forces the game to run as a fixed fuction card
-use11 Forces the game to run as a shader 1.1 card
-use14 Forces the game to run as a shader 1.4 card
-use20 Forces the game to run as a shader 2.0 card
-safemode Disables as much as possible in the game
-window Run the game in a window
-width640 Forces the game to run at 640*480
-vidmode w,h,r w - Width
h - Height
r - Refresh rate
Forces the game to run at width, height[, refresh]
-adapter x x - Adapter ID Forces the game to run fullscreen on a multimon adapter
-port x x - Server port Server port address used when hosting games
-cport x x - Client port Client port address used when joining games
-ip x.x.x.x x.x.x.x - IP Address Server IP address used when you have multiple ip addresses
-screenshot Enables the 'Print Scrn' key to generate screenshots
-timedemo Runs four movies and writes out timedemo.txt
-console Enable the debugging console

Halo Infinite (TP) - Switches found from the Halo Infinite Tech Preview#

Argument/Switch Flags Description
-server Instructs the engine to run as a dedicated server.
-console Enable the debugging console
-cpu_count The number of CPUs (or CPU cores) to use.
-720p Forces the game to run at 1280x720
-1080p Forces the game to run at 1920x1080
-1440p Forces the game to run at 2560x1440
-4k Forces the game to run at 3840x2160
-disable_audio Disable all sound