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Command Reference

Below is a list of all available console commands and globals.

Note that the commands and globals listed below do not include any project-specific commands or globals. To obtain a list of commands which includes the below commands as well as project-provided commands and globals, you can use the script_doc command.

Console Commands#

Name Syntax Description Aliases
abort abort Aborts the engine using abort() function. Requires CONFIRM argument to execute.
classify classify Provides information on a command man
cls cls Clears console log clear
crash crash Crashes the engine. Requires CONFIRM argument to execute. kms
create_cmd_obj create_cmd_obj Early debug command used to test CommandScript objects. No longer used and has no functionality other than a warning message
debug_menu_how_to debug_menu_how_to Displays information on how to use the debug menu in the console.
debug_menu_rebuild debug_menu_rebuild Reloads debug_menu_init.xml and rebuilds the debug menu contents regenerate_debug_menu,regendebugmenu,reloadmenu,rdm
drop drop drops the named tag e.g. objects/vehicles/banshee/banshee.vehicle spawn,summon,create,drop_safe
explore explore <user|engine> <string> opens an engine data directory in the system file explorer.
generate_plugins generate_plugins Generates plugin files for all available tag classes, for use in Guerilla and other tools. make_plugins,gen_plugins,create_plugins
help help Shows a list of commands.
history history Shows recently executed commands.
list_colors list_colors List all available colors for the print command. listcolors
list_levels list_levels Provides information on a command listlevels,list_scenarios,listscenarios,list_maps,listmaps
listener_bug_check listener_bug_check <iterations> creates and deletes the specified number of event listeners, used for bug diagnosis
log log [WARNING|ERROR|SEVERE] [FORCE] <message> Logs an error to the console.
map_name map_name the same as game_start: launches a game for debugging purposes level_name,scenario_name,game_start
nou nou A joke command that prints "no u" to the log no_u
old_help help <string> prints a description of the named function. chelp,h2help
old_print old_print Prints a message to the screen. Color overrides are not supported. h2print,cprint
open_game_dir open_game_dir Opens the game directory in the system file explorer.
open_web_url open_web_url <string> Opens a URL in the user's preferred web browser. url
print print Prints a message to the screen. Supports color arguments
quit quit Quits the game. exit,qqq
reload_material_datablocks reload_material_datablocks Rebuilds all OGRE datablocks from their original material tags.
screenres screenres <string> Allows specifying the display resolution manually. Settings.ScreenResolution
screenshot screenshot [string] Captures the current frame onscreen to a file, with an optional filename. If no filename is provided, a default filename is used.
script_doc script_doc [quiet] saves a file called hs_doc.txt with parameters for all script commands and globals. hs_doc
sentry_test sentry_test Throws Sentry Test Event to dashboard.
show_stats show_stats Shows framerate, pointer location, and ms/frame.
tag_field_sizes tag_field_sizes print sizes for all tag fields
tag_load_force tag_load_force <string> loads a tag from an available cache file or from the engine tags folder
toggle_imgui_window toggle_imgui_window <string> Toggles the visibility of an imgui window. duigvs
version version Show engine version information. ver
win32_dialog_test win32_dialog_test

Script Globals#

Name Type Description
always_update_shader_uniforms boolean whether or not shader uniforms will be refreshed every frame
aqua color
clear_col color Color used for render target clearing.
clear_col_h3 color Color used for render target clearing in H3Sapien.
console_blue color
console_color color
console_error color
console_internal_gold color
console_msg_color color
console_print color
console_shadow color
console_yellow color
crash_screen_background color
crash_text_col color
crash_text_shadow_col color
d_blurple color
d_dark color
d_greyple color
d_nqblack color
d_text_dark color
d_text_light color
d_white color
display_coordinates boolean
display_framerate boolean
h2_profiler color
imgui_metrics_auto_scale boolean whether or not to automatically scale imgui metrics upon applying them
int_gvar_test int
long_gvar_test long
max_2d_z_depth int maximum z depth for 2d objects
mc_color_0 color
mc_color_0_s color
mc_color_1 color
mc_color_1_s color
mc_color_2 color
mc_color_2_s color
mc_color_3 color
mc_color_3_s color
mc_color_4 color
mc_color_4_s color
mc_color_5 color
mc_color_5_s color
mc_color_6 color
mc_color_6_s color
mc_color_7 color
mc_color_7_s color
mc_color_8 color
mc_color_8_s color
mc_color_9 color
mc_color_9_s color
mc_color_a color
mc_color_a_s color
mc_color_b color
mc_color_b_s color
mc_color_c color
mc_color_c_s color
mc_color_d color
mc_color_d_s color
mc_color_e color
mc_color_e_s color
mc_color_f color
mc_color_f_s color
opengl_triangle_color color
protected_gvar_test int This gvar has additional info!
render_target_clearing boolean toggles render target clearing on each frame
short_gvar_test short
string_gvar_test string
transparent color
ui_scale_factor unknown controls the scaling of the engine ui
wsv_aierr color
wsv_critical color
wsv_default color
wsv_error color
wsv_info color
wsv_severe color
wsv_warning color